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Delaware City Name List

This is the list of Cities in Delaware. The zip code, county and city are displayed in the list. You can click the City Name to get 5-digit zip code and 5-digit plus 4 zip code.

The primary city name as designated by the United States Postal Service. The USPS designates cities in all uppercase (ie. NEW YORK). The Post Office “city” name associated with a particular ZIP Code in the mailing address for a residence may differ from the legal municipality or district in which the housing unit is actually located.

CountyCityZIP Code
New Castle CountyBEAR19701
New Castle CountyBELLEFONTE19809
Sussex CountyBETHANY BEACH19930
Sussex CountyBETHEL19931
New Castle CountyBLADES19973
Sussex CountyBRIDGEVILLE19933
Kent CountyCAMDEN19934
Kent CountyCAMDEN WYOMING19934
Kent CountyCHESWOLD19936
New Castle CountyCHRISTIANA19702
New Castle CountyCLAYMONT19703
Kent CountyCLAYTON19938
Sussex CountyDAGSBORO19939
New Castle CountyDELAWARE CITY19706
Sussex CountyDELMAR19940
Kent CountyDEWEY BEACH19971
Kent CountyDOVER19901
Kent CountyDOVER AFB19902
New Castle CountyEDGEMOOR19809
Sussex CountyELLENDALE19941
New Castle CountyELSMERE19805
Kent CountyFELTON19943
Sussex CountyFENWICK ISLAND19944
Sussex CountyFRANKFORD19945
Kent CountyFREDERICA19946
Sussex CountyGEORGETOWN19947
New Castle CountyGREENVILLE19807
Kent CountyGREENWOOD19950
Sussex CountyHARBESON19951
Kent CountyHARRINGTON19952
Kent CountyHARTLY19953
New Castle CountyHISTORIC NEW CASTLE19720
New Castle CountyHOCKESSIN19707
Kent CountyHOUSTON19954
New Castle CountyHST NEWCASTLE19720
Kent CountyKENTON19955
New Castle CountyKIRKWOOD19708
Sussex CountyLAUREL19956
Kent CountyLEIPSIC19901
Sussex CountyLEWES19958
Sussex CountyLINCOLN19960
Kent CountyLITTLE CREEK19961
Kent CountyMAGNOLIA19962
New Castle CountyMARSHALLTON19808
Kent CountyMARYDEL19964
New Castle CountyMIDDLETOWN19709
Kent CountyMILFORD19963
Sussex CountyMILLSBORO19966
Sussex CountyMILLVILLE19967
Sussex CountyMILTON19968
New Castle CountyMONTCHANIN19710
Sussex CountyNASSAU19969
New Castle CountyNEW CASTLE19720
New Castle CountyNEWARK19702
New Castle CountyNEWPORT19804
Sussex CountyOCEAN VIEW19970
New Castle CountyODESSA19730
New Castle CountyPORT PENN19731
New Castle CountyROCKLAND19732
New Castle CountySAINT GEORGES19733
New Castle CountySELBYVILLE19975
Kent CountySMYRNA19977
New Castle CountyTALLEYVILLE19803
New Castle CountyTOWNSEND19734
Kent CountyVIOLA19979
New Castle CountyWILMINGTON19801
New Castle CountyWINTERTHUR19735
Kent CountyWOODSIDE19980
Kent CountyWYOMING19934
New Castle CountyYORKLYN19736